Sunday, January 27, 2008

Baby Email Alisan Omerbasic

Protect Skin

Protect your skin from the sun

Here are some tips to protect your skin and reduce the risk of skin cancer or other skin diseases .

The sun is strongest during midday, between 10 am and 4 pm During those hours the sun can do more damage to your skin . Sunburns and suntans are signs that your skin has been damaged. The more damage the sun does to your skin more likely to get early wrinkles, skin cancer and other skin problems.

Use a sunscreen or sunblock with an SPF of at least 15 solarde even on cloudy days. Use plenty of sunscreen and rub it well.

You should put the sunscreen 30 minutes before sun exposure. Put the sunscreen everywhere the sun's rays might touch you, even in the ears and the back of your neck. Men it also must be placed in any area of \u200b\u200bbaldness on the top of the head. Put on more sunscreen every hour or so if you are sweating or swimming.

Use protective clothing such as long sleeved shirts and long pants made of tightly woven fabric. If the clothes fit loosely, you will feel cooler. Several companies such as Sun Preacutions have Solumbra clothing and clothes are available for sun protection.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Kate Ground Speaks Out About Hoof

sunlight Effects of Aloe vera

The way that Aloe Vera acts on the pores of the skin is desostrucción of all substances prevent the skin can expel all the waste products with external agents that are mixed with them.

saponified properties of Aloe Vera is carried out by the combination of amino acids and polysaccharides that make these accumulations of fat and external contaminants become soapy substances, being easily removed with daily cleaning. This deep cleansing promotes exchanges with the outside may well penetrate the water containing Aloe Vera, producing a deep moisturizing skin . Aloe Vera

many people believe it is a natural humectant, on the contrary is a powerful astringent that has the ability to clean in depth the three layers of the skin , with this deep cleansing pores and destroys the gland ducts and nutritious substances and water easily penetrates to the subcutaneous layer. Although it is recommended for all skin types, it is especially recommended for oily or acneicas, conserves water pan.

Another property of Aloe Vera is its high regenerative capacity, it is based primarily on vitamins (A, B1, B2, B6, and B12) and polysaccharides present in Aloe Vera (glucomannan, pentoxide, hexose, galactose , etc ...), which make it an exciting asset, its main functions are flexible elastic fibers the dermis, collagen fibers strengthen and stimulate the production of epithelial cells in the body mucus of Malpighi.

This stimulation of the synthesis of collagen and elastic fibers of skin is particularly suitable for after shaving, the blade destroys many cells and regenerates Aloe. Is also indicated for the prevention of the appearance of stretch marks (adolescence, pregnancy, dieting, etc ...). After the Aloe Vera has penetrated well into the skin may be accompanied with a moisturizer for the benefit is greater.