Healthy Skin Skin allergies
Until 20 years ago it was thought that only babies should be protected from the ravages of sun, so as to avoid exposure to its rays at noon and recommended the application of sunscreen cream.
now know that all people can be damaged, so that universal indicators have been established, among which include:
Apply sunscreen 20 minutes before exposure to sun
provide special attention to nose, forehead, neck, shoulders and cheeks and the back of the ears, areas at greatest risk for being the most exposed.
is strongly recommended to renew the sunscreen every two hours.
If you are in beach or pool, apply the product immediately after leaving the water unless you are washing your skin .
Always wear hat and sunglasses will protect the eyelids, thinner skin around the body. Apparently
on cloudy days the sun does not burn, but in reality it does, therefore you must use the same sunscreen on a sunny day.
Avoid the sun between 11:00 am and 3:00 pm.
Even when exposed to the sun does not provide for several days, must apply creams moisturizers that provide natural moisture to your skin. Finally, know you snuff, alcohol and sleeplessness are enemies of the skin, it accelerates the aging process of cells, making them more vulnerable.
Now, everything is ready to make your skin look radiant and opposite this summer with confidence.
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