liver. Radishes
decongest and detoxify the liver by enhancing the emptying of bile. Can be added raw to salads or make each day a glass of fresh juice of radish, sweetened with honey before meals.
artichokes have a regenerative effect of the liver due to its content cinarina, a bioflavonoid. Besides taking artichoke as a vegetable, to enjoy its therapeutic benefits must take infusions of its leaves and stems. The fresh juice of the artichoke is also very therapeutic and can be prepared blending the leaves and drinking a glass at each meal. Instead of throwing
leaves and stems tough, can prepare an infusion with 100 grams of leaves and stems of artichokes per liter of water. You have to take 3 cups daily.
thistle contains a substance called silymarin which has the power to regenerate liver cells. Although it is customary to take it in tea, tablets or dry, tender leaves and thornless thistle can be added to salads.
dandelion diuretic and cleanser for excellence, the dandelion is strongly indicated in hepatic failure because it is choleretic and colagogo at a time. The young leaves can be taken into salads dressed with oil and lemon. Also can be liquefied leaves and roots and take 3 tablespoons of juice before each meal.
beetroot increases the flow of bile and helps to eliminate toxic chemicals from the liver. Plants
choleretic plants is called to have the ability to increase the amount of bile secreted by the liver. Bile is stored in the gallbladder until food intake causes emptying into the intestine to aid digestion. Increasing the production of bile, the liver clears and can perform their tasks better.
are choleretic: lime, olive, Elecampane, mint, barberry, artichoke, fumaria, Boldo, radish, dandelion, wormwood, lesser centaury, turmeric, gentian, rhubarb, tamarind, sage, calendula, ortosifón. Plants
colagogas plants are those that stimulate the emptying of the gallbladder into the duodenum. These plants should be used in case of lazy gall and kidney stones.
colagogas are: olive, Elecampane, mint, Barberry, Artichoke, Boldo, radish, dandelion, wormwood, turmeric, gentian, cascara, rhubarb, tamarind, sage, calendula, ortosifón, rosemary, yarrow, aloe. Milk thistle
Liver's Best Friend
Milk thistle or Scotch is the best friend of the liver due to a substance called silymarin which has the ability to regenerate liver cells damaged by toxic agents and inflammation of fibrous tissue around the liver support. The following
liver disease is recommended to take milk thistle raw in salads and dry tablets:
. Inflammation of the liver caused by drugs.
. Poisoning that affect the liver as those resulting from the ingestion of poisonous mushrooms, pesticides, etc.
. Fatty degeneration of the liver caused by alcohol or other substances
. Acute viral hepatitis, chronic alcoholic.
. Liver failure.
. Hepatic congestion.
. Liver cirrhosis.
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