Most adults in the industrial world - especially those suffering a chronic condition such as coronary heart disease, arthritis, multiple sclerosis or diabetes-have in common the presence of hundreds of stones that block your liver, gallbladder and bile ducts. And the removal of the gallbladder or common-response operation at present, does not usually solve the problem. Well-known therapist Andreas Moritz years ago designed a unique method to clean surprising efficiency of sand and stones the liver and gallbladder in just seven days. And this time it can be argued that the images that demonstrate their effectiveness are worth a thousand words.
The liver, an organ whose duties are largely unknown to most people, is one of the many areas where Pharmacological Medicine and Natural Medicine is facing today. Physicians located in the academic orthodoxy deny the existence of cholelithiasis. Naturopathic doctors and naturopaths, meanwhile, argue not only its existence as the basic disorder in a large number of chronic diseases but its removal by natural methods can prevent or solve many diseases as well. And in that sense some of the photographs illustrating this report and the testimony of its author are an undeniable proof of the existence of such calculations. Doctors may then claim whatever they want but the truth is that when hundreds, if not thousands, of "calculations" congest the liver by preventing their normal functioning is impossible for the body is not affected negatively and appear the most diverse conditions.
"Look, I wanted to say what happened to me Friday," explained a surfer a forum for the exchange of experiences on the liver cleanse. I told the doctor what the liver cleanse I was doing and laughed at me. I said it was impossible to cleanse the liver, the liver does not have stones, which I threw was the result of the mix ingested on Saturday (salt and oil are assumed), the bile ducts are 1 mm and if Stone tried to eject my almost 2 inches would be not only absurd but I would crack the ducts and small intestine, me I probably would yellow and die. And whoops!, He was so cool the guy (.) So I investigated further. He said that the bile ducts are less than 1 but I have researched and often measured in normal adults between 7 and 8. I've also found that liver disease is a calculation that is stuck in the pipe thereby preventing the flow of bile and causes intense pain. "
In short, the experience of those who carried out this type of cleaning is positive in almost all cases: "Most physicians (and, therefore, people in general)-read the reply in the forum to the previous survey, have no idea that we can develop deposits or stones - calculations, also called the hepatic ducts, not only in the gallbladder but also in the liver. Why? They do not see in the scans. A fatty liver is soaked in cholesterol, hepatocytes (liver cells) brimming with cholesterol, are seen in ultrasound as a target but only when full and can be objectified with an echo. Only the hard calcified stones are reflected by lead glass. The softer stones composed of cholesterol or bilirubin pigments are transparent to the echo and not visible. So it is not easily located if they are not going for them. Andreas Moritz's book explains very well all that. The body has no time material to form these stones just by taking the oil. Also, how is it that some people-like me-not take anything Sometimes? How do you explain that not throw more from the sixth or more cleaning? How are we going to form cholesterol gallstones or bile for taking olive oil? Have been analyzed and are typical gallstones. In short, they do not know and arrogance leads them to laugh at the patients. I feel sorry ... My sister was diagnosed with gallstones with recommendation for surgery. After getting clean again and said he had no calculations, which should have been a diagnostic error .... But I showed the picture of the ultrasound and they were not knowing what to say. "
As our regular readers know in numbers we discussed earlier and the importance of liver cleansing speaking, among other possibilities, the method of Dr. Hulda Clark (read it at No. 67 entering this website: and D. José María Cardesín (in Nos. 78 and 91). Well, this time we will discuss the liver cleanse, the "do it yourself" - which suggests the aforementioned Andreas Moritz Ayurvedic Medicine specialist therapist in his work cleaning the liver and gallbladder (Ediciones Obelisco) tens of thousands of people around the world have followed.
"Most people," he says in his first explanation assumes Moritz-gallstones are produced only in the gallbladder. An erroneous assumption. Most gallstones are actually formed in the liver and comparatively few occur in the gallbladder. Anyone can verify this by doing a liver cleanse, regardless of whether an ordinary person, physician, scientist or someone who has no gall bladder and hence thinks that is entirely free of gallstones.
LIVER , bile
CALCULATIONS "Unlike the stomach, for example, rarely does the liver know directly when upset or need attention," says Moritz. He says indirectly however, when one begins to feel sick. A skin irritation, weak eyesight, a bowel problem, an irregular menstrual cycle, a recurring headache, weight gain, loss of energy, sudden aging, narrowing of blood vessels, bloated intestines, digestive problems, difficulty breathing, loss of memory and concentration, joint pain or any major illnesses like heart disease, cancer, multiple sclerosis, diabetes or Alzheimer's disease, to name a few, would not occur if the liver was in top form . And because the liver is responsible for processing, conversión, distribución y mantenimiento del suministro de combustible del cuerpo, compuesto de nutrientes y energía, impedir esas funciones no sólo afecta al cuerpo en su conjunto sino también a la salud de cada célula".
Responsables de este deterioro serían los fragmentos coagulados de bilis -cálculos biliares formados básicamente de colesterol- que con el paso del tiempo y por diferentes razones van secándose y obstruyendo los conductos biliares en el hígado, órgano que interviene en más de 600 funciones bioquímicas indispensables para nuestra supervivencia. " Sí, es el mejor laboratorio que cada uno de nosotros lleva encima -nos diría el doctor Santiago de la Rosa, presidente de la Physicians Committee Naturist College of Physicians of Madrid and member of our Advisory Council -. Running millions of biochemical reactions and often works 24 hours a day without complaining. It is responsible for functions such as plasma protein synthesis, the development of bile needed for digestion and absorption of fat-and detoxification of the body while acting as a storehouse of vitamins, glycogen, etc.. It is even responsible for removing from the blood substances that may be harmful to the body by transforming them into harmless ones. Something for which expels waste materials resulting from all the processes involved through the bile ducts. We think that in the liver are formed between 1.1 and 1.6 liters of bile, alkaline fluid, yellow, viscous whose mission is to promote digestion and eliminate toxins. So when the bile decreases the work that the liver does no longer optimal. "Reader
Imagine for a moment that part of the English rail network remain jammed with stones. Probably the country would be paralyzed at first, but over time the damage will be progressive and affect many regions. Each one is different, obviously, depending on which sections would be affected. Well, so does, according Moritz and other experts with bile ducts because of the poor nutritional habits, stress, unbalanced lifestyles and consumption of drugs, pharmaceuticals and other chemicals such as food additives and chemicals. The fact is that sometimes, for all that, the bile is dried. And the liver bile ducts become clogged by deposits of hardened bile or, which is the same, gallstones.
Moritz in his book clearly explains the relationship between occlusion problems caused by gallstones and the emergence of diseases of all kinds: mouth, stomach, pancreas, liver, gall bladder, heart and circulatory ailments ... "When stomach acid food (chyme) reaches the duodenum is first mixed with bile and pancreatic juices, "says Moritz referring to intestinal diseases, and later with intestinal juice. But gallstones in the liver and gallbladder greatly reduce the secretion of bile and this weakens the ability of pancreatic enzymes to digest carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Something that, in turn, prevents the small intestine to properly absorb the nutritional components of food (monosaccharides from carbohydrates, protein amino acids and fatty acids and glycerol from fats). Since the presence of bile in the intestines is essential for the absorption of fat, calcium and vitamin K gallstones may degenerate into fatal diseases such as heart disease, osteoporosis and cancer (.) "He adds:" The meals that are not digested properly tend to ferment and putrefy in small and large intestines. "And what are the consequences? As the growth of bacteria and toxic waste in the medium to long term, a large number of diseases.
But not only there is a relationship between bile and digestive problems , something that anyone would point out as obvious. Moritz also stops to explain other lesser-known relationships such as disorders of the nervous system produced as a result of stone formation. "The white blood cells, red cells and platelets are formed," he says in the bone marrow, which is nourished and sustained by the nutrients provided by the digestive system. Gallstones in the liver interferes with digestion and assimilation of food as plasma which fills the waste material excessive and reduced the distribution of nutrients to the bone marrow. This, in turn, alters the balance of the components of blood cells, interrupted hormonal flow and cause abnormal responses in the nervous system ( .) Gallstones in the liver greatly reduce the distribution of glucose to the brain and other central nervous system which can affect the performance of the organs, senses and mind. "
All of which, according to Moritz, thus leading to deterioration of liver function, a decreased supply of nutrients to the trillions of cells the body and a decline in the work of detoxification so you may end resulting in numerous diseases and chronic diseases. A problem not solved or gallbladder removal. Dr. corroborates De la Rosa: "If you remove the gallbladder calculations are eliminated it contains, but what about those who are being formed in the liver? Since there are just as well not exist but in time would see the output of bile from the liver decreases and would return to have digestion problems and other symptoms as well recounted in his book Mr. Moritz. It sets out comprehensively the problem of calculations that had a child and how to improve when he made his cures liver cleanse and gallbladder. Indeed, this experience came to him then I would advise doing the same to others. "
CLEAN LIVER The liver cleanse is, apparently, a simple" do it yourself, "said Moritz itself acknowledges. But as important as what the author says to do it so there is no to do. And also explains why reading the book we find essential for anyone who wants to proceed with the proposed cleanup because it is difficult to summarize, among others, for reasons of space, all the guidelines and further advice to clarify any doubts. In any case
anticipate that required only six days of preparation to be followed by the cleaning process itself barely lasts 20 hours. And it is advisable to make it a weekend, the preparation should also begin on a Saturday afternoon to take advantage of the stay at home on Sunday from next week to expel the stones. And a tip: if you decide to make it talk to your doctor or therapist to control unwanted effects. Not everyone reacts the same.
elements to carry out cleaning Mortiz liver are actually very few. They suffice: "A boat
Epsom salts.
-Half cup of extra virgin olive oil.
-A grapefruit juice (preferably pink). If you do not like or can not find it replaced by orange and lemon juice in equal parts.
-Six liters of apple juice, preferably organic (need to consume each day.) It can also be replaced by malic acid capsules.
is everything. Of course, as a step toward cleaning Moritz advised to undergo before a colon hydrotherapy to reduce the discomfort at the time of evacuation. You can get a couple of days before or the day designated to take cleaning. Also recommended to be pre-kidney cleansing in the book also explains how to do it, "something that means absolutely essential in the case of people with a history of kidney problems. This would allow the kidney to be rid of accumulated toxins and does not suffer when cleaning a cleansing crisis. In summary
say that the person who decides to clean should take each day, and for six to one liter of apple juice (or, failing that, of 1,500 to 2,000 mg of malic acid powder diluted in two cups water) in small drinks throughout the day. The reason is that the malic acid in apple juice softens the stones also have a leavening effect that favors the expansion of the bile ducts. Of course, during those six days should not be eaten anything cold and should avoid foods of animal origin, dairy products and fried foods also restricting the amount to take.
cleaning itself, as we said, will begin the sixth day in the afternoon. That day should be eaten only at breakfast fruits and juices. Neither protein foods, or butter or oil. And at noon steamed vegetables with white rice. As for the drink, only water. Then, in midafternoon, to 18.00 hours, they'll 4 tablespoons of Epsom salts into a pitcher or jar to which water is added corresponding to three large glasses full. Once everything is well blended drink a full glass in the first three quarters. Operation to be repeated again at 20.00. This is because Epsom salts are magnesium and also have a mild laxative effect-in fact many people with constipation-the commonly used has the great virtue of delay channels of the liver and common bile-duct which empties into the duodenum and carries bile, which facilitates the exit of the stones.
Finally, shortly before 22.00 hours should be mixed in another jug \u200b\u200bor jar half a cup of virgin olive oil and three-quarter extra glass of grapefruit juice squeezed by hand and without pulp (or, alternatively, orange and lemon juice mixed in). And after stirring the mixture slowly drinking hard standing beside the bed, then lie down immediately, better on the right side with legs curled in a fetal position so that the mixture will penetrate better into the gallbladder. Grapefruit juice can take the flavor oil. It is also rich in vitamin C, purifying, natural antiseptic, antimicrobial and rich in citric, galacturonic, formic and malic acid. As well as being oil lubricant and facilitate the removal of the stones causes the development of much bile. Drink a glass of oil to remove calculus is actually a very old remedy but carries the risk that the stones can become blocked and cause painful cramps ... something that is prevented by the action of malic acid and the expansion of channels thanks to the Epsom salts.
's all for now. Then you must try to sleep. The only thing you may notice is that estimates are moving by the liver and gall bladder how strives to expel. And you may need to go to the bathroom to evacuate but should then lie down again.
the night progresses you will need to ingest Epsom salts diluted to 6.00 or 6.30 am on Sunday and, finally, the fourth and last shot at the 8.00 or 8.30. Two hours after eating if you can and some juice and hungry half an hour later one or two pieces of fresh fruit. And another hour past any solid food not too heavy.
all depends on how you feel and that during that morning and perhaps Sunday-afternoon-will have to go several times a bath (unless you had to do even before) to begin the evacuation of stones. Know that is because float in water and may even count them. May be dozens ... or hundreds. Different color and texture. Cleaning and
be completed. But beware, this does not mean you have deleted all. It can have many more. Hence, Moritz recommend actually doing more cleaning until no more. A rate of one per month.
also recommends that cleaning be done after each colon hydrotherapy. If you can afford, with one of modern pressure vessels that exist today in many establishments and consultations. If you can not or will not, with a home irrigator using water at body temperature or environment (find them at any pharmacy.) Moritz in his book also explains various options for hydrotherapy.
emphasize, in conclusion, that the foregoing is merely a summary of the protocol from Andreas Moritz and serves only as an invitation to everyone to deepen, in coordination with your doctor or therapist, liver cleansing and therapeutic method.
"There are many different symptoms without apparent cause, we would say Dr. de la Rosa, who can lead us to believe in the need for a liver cleanse, chronic dyspepsia and swelling of abdomen, gastroesophageal reflux, chronic indigestion, upset hepatobiliary pain headache, nausea and dizziness and chronic lack of vitality ... Just make a differential diagnosis doctor. If we explore visual language and the V lingual root is whitish or fat coating is not removed and remains for a long time us we should suspect that something retention in our body. Can complement in cases where there is a deposition disease.
According to Moritz the reward is priceless: "By removing the stones through a series of liver cleanses (usually six to eight are sufficient to fully restore the performance of the liver), and therefore maintain a reasonably healthy diet and natural lifestyle liver returns to its natural efficiency and most, if not all, symptoms of discomfort begin to subside. Power and welfare in particular, "he says flatly increase with each cleaning. Cleaning the liver is removed thousands of bits of toxic substances who have helped shape the stones and block thousands of liver bile ducts. Cleaning the liver bile ducts from gallstones can be in fact one of the most important and powerful procedures to dramatically improve health and raise the vibration of the body. By reopening the bile ducts the body's energy is restored and healing can take place at all levels of body, mind and spirit. "
PERSONAL EXPERIENCE I finally say that the striking pictures that accompany this article are the product of four self-cleaning liver by Ignacio del Barco-patient of Dr. James De La Rosa, and they appear hundreds of stone-some larger than others, some more compact than others, which has been phased out over just two months. And as can be seen in them are stones mixture of bile and cholesterol the most green-and cholesterol stones of pure cream. Even be seen in some parasites in the form of mini "sissies" placed on the calculations. Boat
add that a person is ready. Medicine studied two years, worked for the National Health Institute in the Basque Country and is an expert in Biological Mathematics but primarily interested in human behavior and its relationship to health. "In the dynamics of buy-we would say, when all involved buying a hormone the euphoria, which is linked to sex. But when it comes to selling the hormone is more powerful and conditions us to the flight in accordance with our survival instinct. Biological Mathematics is studied with ants. You put an ant on a table and go crazy. You are 20 and do nothing. But put a million and then form an army with an ultra studied mathematical behavior. Well, this is also being studied in human behavior. "
Undoubtedly the figures and theirs are not any. Director General of investment and pension consulting team moves around the world billions of euros over which it has to decide. you interested for more costs of non-dependence of the unit and does not understand that pensions are used to pay someone to help us. "There are some very simple for the brain, we would comment. There are a few tips that if followed significantly improve the memory that is the basis of intelligence and, therefore, of all cognitive processes. And there are a number of products natural that can be taken to achieve this. This is a topic that interests me a lot. I'm always full of information about health and natural products because my activity is constant. I travel around the world, stand marathon meetings and the decisions I make affect the fate of hundreds of millions of euros. " And as a good self one day he decided to tackle its problems health through liver cleanse following the protocol of Moritz and then topped with some recommendations included in the protocol of Dr. Clark. Boat
tell us that for years had higher transaminase-drink or not drink-the-high uric acid in gout attacks but eliminate repetitive meals likely to cause an increase in same-and high cholesterol. "I have a very important statistic, we say as we watched the pictures of this story, and people who die of sudden death always have three common factors: elevated uric acid, elevated transaminases and elevated cholesterol. No one has to have them well to die but all who die young of sudden death does. Agreement has been epidemiologically. I had a hundred-odd cholesterol, elevated transaminases and uric acid in ten. And all three are linked to the liver. So I started the liver cleanse to see if it worked, as a pure experiment, because the pictures I saw did not fully convince me. Moreover, each week I do a blood test to check the evolution of the three indicators and each year a food intolerance test. Well, in the laboratory of Dr. Calderón was detected in 2005 I had 34 foods to which he was intolerant. And in 2006 the result was repeated. So last March 2 I decided to accept the advice of Dr. De la Rosa and liver cleanse me. "
On a roll, add us, extremely positive." Since then, we would have driven calculations-cream, which are cholesterol-and green-cholesterol and bile. I just need to expel the hardened black. So I will continue with the cleaning every fortnight or every month which is what we recommend Moritz until none remain. And the results are there. Not just my general condition is better, it's own analysis is corroborated. The latest analysis of transaminases 81cuando before me was in 126, uric acid was 10 and now is 9.12, the cholesterol was at 220 and is now 166. And I'm just intolerant and food to 17 instead of 34. And not because he stopped eating food that I feel bad because it has not been well, eating was part of my own experiment. In my opinion demonstrates the importance of the liver cleanse also in the case of food intolerances. I must also say that I feel much more energy and a sense of lightness that is probably due to the decrease in the size of my liver. And I had been diagnosed with fatty liver hepatomegaly. For my part I should add that after this meeting I saw a Boat and assured me that its figures were improving.
I would like in any case add to the knowledge of health Ignacio del Barco lead to complement the proposed Moritz with previous parasite cleansing recommended by Dr. Clark and ornithine to eat every night before bed, as she recommends, because in addition to relax helps remove ammonia, especially toxic to the brain and frequently causes insomnia.
In any case, although the liver cleanse is a simple procedure is best done under the supervision of a professional and always respectful Moritz own advice to follow the full protocol to the letter. Something whose importance we recognize the very Ignacio Del Barco: "We must strictly follow the protocol. That does not happen to anyone not doing so because it can end up in the hospital. The day of cleaning, for example, you should not take more than fruit, oatmeal with water and salad. Do not eat nuts because even in that case would require bile for digestion, bladder pressure is lower and the expulsion of the calculations, leaving much drier, it could be painful. Also, if not they allow at least fifteen days between cleanings you risk having problems. I decided to try, I repeated one week after the first and I had a gout attack for not letting the kidneys have time to completely remove the tiny fragments that can pass through the blood to the kidneys. Pass for only one week is a huge mistake. Cleanups should distance at least fifteen days to a month. Not to mention that before each of them to do a colon cleanse before. In addition, follow all steps in the protocol without exception. "
Dr. Santiago de la Rosa would say on his part to end:" I must say that this experience has not only enabled Ignacio improve clinical-levels transaminase, uric acid and cholesterol, but emotionally has noted that it is less irritated, stressed and that is obfuscated by the liver according to the China Traditional Medicine. And his experience -Like so many others who have already undergone a liver cleanse by Andreas Moritz or Hulda Clark, should also serve as teaching others. Because it is true that we all learn something new every day but I feel that this time the teaching is very important. It has taught us that our primary organic laboratory, the liver can be cleaned. A sinking sometimes soft, sometimes with some moderately strong, homeopathic or herbal medicines, but now we also know that, if necessary, we can submit to a thorough cleanup including removal of intrahepatic stones. Something really important especially when other therapeutic options have already failed. However, to carry out this cure my advice is that the patient is coordinated with a physician who knows the subject and can help in the event of unexpected problems arise. "
Sonia Barahona
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