alkaline to prevent cancer
alkaline TO AVOID
cancer: Conceição Trucom:
Translation Teresa -
Remember always that Planting of the overall health (body-heart-mind-spirit) are the morals of the day-to-day. Therefore, keep your body alkalized, through food and other healthy habits, is the great wisdom, happy harvest.
Location 1: This is not a focus, an obsession with health to avoid illness, but health and wisdom for overcoming life through evolution.
Location 2: believe in miracles to neutralize the bad habits (choices and decisions) of life is part of the illusion, false expectation and the counterculture, which inevitably crop is being stalled in the path of evolution and health of Being
A novelty is in the air
Dr. Tullio Simoncini, Italian physician specializing in oncology, diabetes and metabolic disorders, found something simple that he considers the cause of cancer. He noted that every cancer patient has repetitive picture of thrush, symptoms, and identified by the medical community, but always treated as an opportunistic fungal infection: the famous Candida albicans or Candidiasis.
observation is that all types of cancer have this characteristic, ie, there are several types of tumors, but have in common manifestation of thrush in the patient, knowing that it is a symptom of metabolic acidosis.
Then he thought: could it be reversed? What causes cancer is the uncontrolled proliferation of the fungus?
That's a valid interpretation, but before that, I, Conceição Trucom, stated: canker fungi only produce only proliferate or installed in acid, acid organisms. Alkaline organisms such phenomenon does not happen or how to perpetuate itself.
repeating what is already known for a century by the biodynamic culture and many medical spa: fungi, viruses, bacilli and bacteria only thrive in an acid medium or in organic acids, in acid soils. And the acid bodies, whether a ground, an animal or a human being, reveal a state of malnutrition, demineralization, illness, aging and death.
So the real cause of the illness, in this case, infections, candidiasis and thrush, like cancer, occurs because the modern diet, industrial, full of additives and refined is highly acidifying.
A soil or a human being who makes extensive use of natural food, vegetable, raw, organic, certainly will be slightly alkaline, providing a metabolic harmonious, balanced and healthy, ready to defend against attacks and invasions destructive natural and as fungi, bacteria, or tumor cell mutant.
If an alkaline substance like baking soda, tumor kills fungi and microorganisms, it is easy conclude that the appropriate way for the development and perpetuation of these is an acidic environment.
For example, the normal range of pH of the saliva of a person that eats healthy (80 to 100% raw and alive) is slightly alkaline 7.36 to 7.42 (remember that neutral pH is 7.0). People who overdo the sugar, refrigerants, fried, refined, meats and cooked foods to 100% have an acidic pH between 6.5 and 6.9, whereas a person with cancer has an even more acidic pH from 4.5 to 5.7. Bad habits
repetitive power and life, such as fast food and sedentary lifestyle, rapidly acidifying conditions, generate a body continuously acidified metabolic stress depresses the immune system and sustaining force of life, daily undermining health, vitality and developmental projects of transformation and healing.
For this reason I ask all of you to look after your overall health wisely, that is, daily and preventively. And it is not be aware of health to prevent diseases, but by wisdom, overcome by life, by evolution.
Therefore, I suggest reading all texts + videos Bulletin noviembre/08 Doce Lima: We can not be acidic.
The way to neutralize and cure of Dr. Simoncini
This was the reasoning of Dr. Simoncini: to kill the fungus'll neutralize (alkalinization) hereby sickly and sour. Thus, he uses the acid neutralizing agent of the oldest and simplest known to humankind: the baking soda. Initially
banished from the Italian medical community was applauded standing in the American Cancer Association when he presented this finding yours and alkalinization therapy with sodium bicarbonate. There are several videos of this presentation on YouTube. See more in Stump
Thus, he began treating patients with washes (via hospital procedure) with baking soda and methodically controlling tumors. Amazing results began to occur. Tumors of lung, prostate and bowel disappear, along with canker. Thus, many cancer patients were cured and now in their clinical examinations show positive results of treatment. Many alerts
1) Dr. Simoncini began treating patients with sodium bicarbonate, with washes, via medical procedure and hospitable, and orderly control of tumors. Note: conducted and supervised by a medical team.
2) Do not ingest. Beware of the word circulating through the network that lead to self-medication. Although sodium bicarbonate is a medication easy to buy in pharmacies, never self-medicate. Continued use and abuse of sodium bicarbonate by mouth may cause serious kidney problems.
3) More careful: the text circulating on the Internet reports that any tumors can be cured with this simple and inexpensive treatment. It may be cheap, but it is not easy and can not be made domestically, all too careful in this hobby of Brazilian self-medicate. This is a medical procedure. It is not a game!
To learn more, or to inform your doctor about this treatment, visit the Websites and assists videos are listed below.
is going to end the spree laboratories
pharmaceutical ... This is the lure that has been circulating tabloid on the net. But it's not so miraculously simple, no. First we have to get out of the counterculture of the misinformation and irresponsible triviality or information.
While people are not aware about the bad habits in the way of living and eating, disease industry will grow, yes, and rapidly.
No miracles and no end to this savage capitalism (*) made by the industry of the illness. This industry exists because we give power and strength to continue to exist, more and more. Incidentally, we are increasingly dependent on it.
It makes me sad the finding that people want to self-deception to continue with their bad habits. And, a form of self-deception is to believe in facilities, in miracles, the power of the external. A common argument in the messages I receive: as soon as I want, all I want and then do what you think, Concepción, pills A, B or C? Does green tea, white or blue? Does the alga X, Z Mushroom self-injection or W?
not believe that this is the solution. Who are making fool your body, liver, pancreas, heart or kidneys. The solution is to have cancer and then, then self-medicate bicarbonate. Apart from that, if not cure the cause, the cancer will return.
THE MIRACLE, or rather, it is normal not to have cancer. You do not have diabetes, or syndromes of the most diverse and modern or cardiovascular problems.
And if the disease is already installed, take care to leave as soon as the danger zone, but to seek the true cure, only the body itself, as alkalinization, revitalized and nurtured, will perform. Preventive medicine is
personal location, is to live in reality, is humility, that is wisdom, is the commitment of you want to LIVE LIFE!
is simply a healthy diet and habits love of life. It is less enthusiasm, more localization.
This is the best way to end the spree of pharmaceutical and food industry, which are filled with money and producing disease inducing drugs against cancer, diabetes, cholesterol, hypertension, anxiety, obesity, etc.
These binges only end when we take responsibility and respect for our physical body, heart, mind and spirit. When we take our power, no desire to leave it deluded, medicines, doctors, hospitals and health plans.
I think in this time of transition and planetary consciencial, all this can even exist but not the way you use it, first as, I get sick and then I'll see what I do.
Food Detox Viva! Raw Food Viva and Viva! Viva
our rich money and energy invested in the simple and natural. In addition and build truly plural health.
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