If everything goes well, we have no reason to realize the job of the liver, the digestion is performed without problems and the body functions normally. By contrast, the digestive problems in general, tend to warn that something is amiss in the hepatobiliary system. However, since the liver is involved in many bodily functions, symptoms of malfunction are diverse and usually not associated with functional disorder.
A tired and overloaded liver produces a variety of physical symptoms such as: difficulties in assimilating food, loss of appetite, headaches after meals, pasty mouth, tongue, whitish or yellowish, bitter taste in the mouth, bloating, accumulation gas, nausea, vertigo, yellow skin, oily skin, pimples, colds, constipation, feces in the form of candy or weak and yellowish, insomnia in the early hours of the night and difficulty waking in the morning, itchy skin, dandruff, hair loss, migraines, headaches, neck pain, premenstrual syndrome (catabolic hormone), muscle fatigue, edema, cramps, poor circulation, venous, greenish face and eyes, phobia to light, difficulty staying in the wind, vision problems, eye diseases, early loss of sight ...
the liver / vision, widely known for the ancient Eastern medicine and totally ignored by Western science, it is easy to verify given the close link between the two bodies and the rapid response that is generated. A liver cleansing, automatically increases the visual. This we have experienced personally and through shocking testimony: a person concerned we have had to scrap new glasses with the highest increase, just after completing a first liver cleanse deep.
two vertical lines between the eyebrows, indicate a liver exhausted. Headaches and migraines occur when the body feels affected and fails to perform its function of pushing and distribute power to the head and limbs, then the head is congested and warm, while the hands and feet are cold.
Because the liver is responsible for the formation of albumin and hormones, their direct impact malfunction in the immune and hormonal systems. An allergy is a clear indication that something is wrong in the liver. It is remarkable how quickly refer allergic reactions, once we clean the liver. Already
we refer to the albumin-defective tumor cells, so cancer is not only a reflection of a collapsed liver. And to think that a person with cancer is subjected to powerful drugs that do nothing but aggravate liver collapse. In general it can be argued that all chronic and degenerative diseases reflect the poor liver or, rather, are a direct consequence.
Oriental medicine to the liver and gallbladder classified as paired organs, ie, they affect each other: if bad one, too bad the other and vice versa. The physical symptoms of gallbladder disorder are: hip pain, headaches (located mainly in the right temple), bitter morning mouth, vomiting, acid, stress on the right shoulder, pain in the joints (knees in particular), stiff neck , anxiety and insomnia. The color of the skin is usually pale or yellowish hue are also evident in his eyes. LIVER AND EMOTIONS
emotional state and mental clarity of a person depend on the free flow of energy and blood. It is precisely the liver that controls both, and therefore the stabilization of emotional balance. A healthy liver trial provides clear and firm decisions, the action is fast and consistently produces. The positive emotion of a healthy liver is idealism.
blocking liver energy, creates a state of depression and despondency. The trend is negative psychic anger that occurs in response to depression and crisis is accompanied by irritability, moodiness, anger and violence. The crisis of cholera are usually suppressed until at which time they are released, leading to real volcanic eruptions, wanting to scream and hit. This emotion is considered the most harmful, because conditions all the functions of the energy system, the euphoria alternating with depression.
bile imbalances are associated with rigidity of thought, anger, excessive concern with details, frustrations and fear of the unknown. Decisions and actions are paralyzed.
According to traditional Chinese medicine, the liver is the "master of cunning and action" and it's gallbladder the "power of decision." The health of both bodies determines the ability to be a leader, is the "perennial winner." Predictability, that is to anticipate the inner and outer reality, it depends on system health liver / gallbladder. Gallstones
As we have seen, everything has to do with proper liver function. Our internal laboratory meets many features and almost everything that happens in the body has to do with their status. As a result of food contamination and the resulting permeability of the intestinal mucosa, large amounts of substances reach the liver problems and generate a collapse chronic toxic which impacts on many areas and is generally not taken into account when addressing a specific health problem.
is the case of gallstones, which are generated within the structure of the liver (hepatic intra calculations). Despite greatly compromise the efficiency of the liver and especially the proper flow of bile, is an issue not addressed by allopathic medicine as it should. What is proposed here is simply a cleaning method to remove the body, this helps restore proper liver function and solve serious chronic disorders.
hepatic intra calculations (like those seen in the photographs) are made of cholesterol, fragments of coagulated bile, calcium and pigments such as bilirubin. They also have colloidal debris (mucus), toxins, bacteria and dead parasites. Cholesterol being the main ingredient, are hardly detectable in diagnostic technology-ray or ultrasound. At best, in many cases the person is diagnosed as fatty liver (white areas appear ultrasound examinations). It is possible for a person with this diagnosis have hundreds or thousands of rocks of different sizes, embedded in his liver. Image
simplified calculation shows hosted in the bile ducts of the liver, gallbladder and the tube that carries bile into the intestine. Note that the discharge conduit in the same place as the pancreas (circle). Therefore, its obstruction, affects the arrival of two fluids into the intestine.
We must not confuse with gallstone and calcified, which are detected simply by x-rays and generate painful reactions, which concluded with interventions "maim" this important organ of the digestive and intestinal function. The gallstones should be considered just the "tip of the iceberg" for what it is hosted in the liver.
People with chronic diseases, probably have hundreds of calculations obstructing intra hepatic bile ducts. Bile is a greenish-yellow alkaline fluid essential in body chemistry. Besides contributing to the metabolic processes of fat, protein and minerals, bile maintains order of fats in the blood, liver removes toxic material, alkaline intestines and prevents the proliferation of harmful microorganisms in the colon, among other things.
A healthy person produces about a quart of bile daily. In contrast, individuals with gallstones and chronic diseases, they come to produce only one third or less than that amount. So will people with poor food digestion (dyspepsia) and disorderly triglycerides, acidification intestinal, liver toxicity, disorder in the flora of the colon, etc. Symptoms
• Heartburn • Numbness or cramping in legs
• Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, brain disorders and gout
• Arthritis • Asthma
• Oily hair or baldness vitamin deficiency
• • High Cholesterol
• lymphatic congestion
• Weakness • hormonal disorder
• Diabetes • Back pain and shoulder
• Scoliosis •
clear Evacuations • Cold extremities
• Gastritis • Hemorrhoids and varicose veins
• Hepatitis and liver cirrhosis
• Impotence • Infections (Candida, herpes)
• Swollen vesicular
• Irritability and anger
• Poor digestion • Stains on skin (arms, Back, Face)
• Dizziness and fainting
• Obesity • Puffy eyes and / or yellow
• Osteoporosis • Pancreatitis and pancreatic tumors
• Nightmares • Yellow skin
• Vascular and cardiac
• Problems
vision • dental or gum problems
• Bowel problems • Kidney and urinary
• joint and muscle stiffness
• Bitter taste in mouth
• Pitch dark "bags" under eyes
ulcers and canker sores •
factors of gallstones
• Supercharger • Dinner abundant proteins
• Excessive intake of starches
raw milk consumption
• • industrial oils and margarines
• refined foods (salt, sugar, flour)
• Cholesterol oxidized (milk and egg powder)
• low-fat products (lights)
• Foods with preservatives
• Fast Slimming
• Dehydration • Use of contraceptives
• Hormone replacement therapy • Fluoride water
• Using drugs
• Alteration of natural cycles (day / night) • Excessive TV
• Emotional stress (cause and consequence)
From the book "Healthy Body"
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