- These microlimpiezas, would be an alternative for people who could not do, for various reasons, the liver cleanse that is recommended in Ayurvedic medicine and masterfully described in the book of Andrea Moritz, CLEANING THE LIVER AND GALLBLADDER.
- Fasting, one or two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, if possible organic crop. Drained half a lemon. Can be taken separately or mixed and taking them through a straw. This mixture is designed to activate the bile and it comes hard, dragging mud and debris from the liver. After 10 or 15 minutes to the normal breakfast.
- Daytime Drinking two glasses of apple juice (worth the supermarket), or one or two capsules of malic acid (in food), or an apple at least daily. The malic acid content in apple, is intended, softening the calculations and sediment have accumulated in the liver, which is achieved more easily to be drained.
- At night, during dinner, take a teaspoon of magnesium chloride. Magnesium chloride, among other properties, dilate the bile ducts, which makes it easier, the mud and cholelithiasis move better through the liver channel and the mouth of the liver in the small intestine. More information on the benefits of magnesium chloride on the Internet, but said only a little: undo calcium clusters in areas where it should be, it is heart healthy and keeps the nervous system in top condition.
- This would be appropriate to do so as a daily routine, keep in mind that the liver is constantly filtering toxins and waste from the blood, and now the food we eat, air we breathe, etc.. They are not in the best condition of purity. This is why it is convenient daily drainage of this organ.
- Finally, it would not hurt to hiciesen kidney cleansing herbs suitable. And drink plenty of water.
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